Baby Potato and Sprout Salad

Cooking Time 30 minutes

Serves 4


  • 500g small coloured potatoes, washed with skin on
  • A good pinch of flakey salt
  • A good crunch of black pepper
  • Farmland Greens snow pea tendrils
  • Farmland Greens sunflower tendrils
  • 1 ripe avocado, sliced with lemon juice
  • A good drizzle of WA Olive Oil
  • Sprouts
  • Fresh mint leaves

Red Potatoes

Blue Potatoes


  1. Cut potatoes in half
  2. Steam until cooked through
  3. Cool in fridge
  4. Once cooled, place in large bowl then season with salt and pepper
  5. Drizzle with the latest seasons Western Australian olive oil
  6. Add in avocado, sprouts and mint leaves then toss gently
  7. Serve as a side salad
  8. This dish is suitable for Vegan/Vegetarians or it can be served with cold thyme roasted chicken or some poached West Australian fish.

Wine: Why not try a crispy West Australian sauvignon blanc or a buttery chardonay

Provided by Don Hancey, Panorama Catering

TIP: To satisfy the carnivore in us, crisp-up some Linley Valley bacon pieces and toss through salad, or lightly poach a free range chicken breast, slice thinly and mix through

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