potato bake

6 Easter Potato Recipes

Easter is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with the versatile and delicious potatoes from Western Australia? Whether you’re hosting a festive brunch or a cozy family dinner, these potato recipes will add a touch of spud-tacular flair to your Easter table. Let’s hop to it!

1. Potato and Seafood Salad Board

Created to be shared, why not kick off festivities with this combination of delicious local produce and fresh-caught seafood?
Salad Board of Lemon Potatoes, Prawns and Smoked Salmon

Potato Grazing Board

2. Classic Potato Bake

A classic for a reason, Potato Bake is one of the simplest, yet most delicious and heartwarming recipes you can whip up with the humble potato! 

068 WA Potatoes 240212 JWyld

3. Herb Roasted Potatoes
Who can resist a roast dinner with crispy, warm potatoes on the side?

Roast Potatoes with Fresh Herbs

Roasted Potatoes

4. Potato and Leek Frittata
Perfect for taking along to a gathering of family and friends, a frittata can be served for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner!

Gluten Free Potato Frittata

gluten free potato frittata

5. Loaded Hasselback Potatoes
Add some colour and fun to the table with this delicious version of the classic hasselback style potatoes!

Vege Loaded Hasselback Potatoes

Vego Loaded Hasselback Potato 572x596

6. Potato Gnocchi
Another amazing option for a meat-free meal is potato gnocchi – filling, comforting and mouth wateringly good!

Rustic Gnocchi

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Want to have LOTS of potato dishes to choose from? Host a potato-themed Easter brunch or dinner party! Encourage guests to bring their favourite potato dish or try one of the recipes above. Set up a toppings bar for mashed potatoes or a DIY potato salad station for interactive fun.

With these creative and delicious potato recipes, your Easter celebration is sure to be a hit. So, grab your apron, preheat the oven, and let the spud-tacular cooking begin! Happy Easter and happy eating!